
Swindari is made with raw materials such as barley, rice, and koji.
It is a traditional fermented drink of Jeju Island, Korea.
The Gotjawal Jeju Swindari of HL International Co., Ltd. is made from the traditional fermentation process.
It reduces the characteristic yeast odor and before it is converted to alcohol.
Also, it does not contain any artificial additives.
It is made with pure plant ingredients and received VEGAN certification from Korea Vegan Certification Institute.
Because microorganisms and yeast that are beneficial to our body are alive, Especially It is very beneficial for those who have a bad stomach and suffer from constipation or If you can't eat breakfast, you can use it as a meal substitute.
It is a non-alcoholic yeast fermented beverage that can be used as a snack substitute for child. 

대표 : 이슬아 | 주소 : 제주특별자치도 제주시 애월읍 납읍남로 2길 6 | TEL : 064 742 1136  | EMAIL : hlswindari@gmail.com 

사업자등록번호 : 540-86-02645|통신판매업신고번호 : 2022-제주애월-0055 

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